Welcome to the Adelaide City Dental Care Practice Newsletter
Autumn is a lovely time of year in the city. We have a wonderful view over King William St to watch the leaves change colour and the trams go past. We hope the Easter long weekend was a lovely break for you, as we also enjoyed our time to relax, reconnect and refresh.
Our practice has expanded to include a branch practice called Victoria Park Dental Care. This practice is located at 146 Fullarton Road, Rose Park, 5067. The telephone number for the practice is 08 8332 1188. Dr Ash Kaur is our full-time dentist there and Dr Michelle Stone will be there one day a fortnight, principally to see those people who have difficulties with our stairs here in the city. Our hygienist Julie is working at both of our practices providing hygiene care. Kim is doing reception and practice management at Victoria Park Dental Care.
Dr Catherine Chow has returned from maternity leave and is working on Wednesday afternoons. She and Julie are happy to see you for your check and clean appointments and for any other treatment you may require. Our hygienist Kylie is also performing the role of practice manager in Adelaide, helping with future planning of the practice. Dr Michelle Stone is a little excited to be going to China for two weeks in May 2017. Apparently there is a football match over there that her husband wishes to go to. Plus, there are baby pandas and lots of other cultural and interesting sights to see! During this time Dr Chow, Dr Lim, Kylie and Julie will all be available to see you.
A high decay rate is often associated with snacking. The reason behind this is that the saliva becomes acidic when processing food and takes 30 minutes usually to return to a neutral state. During this acid level the calcium and phosphate ions in the tooth surface come out of the enamel. Once back to a neutral level the ions reverse back into the tooth. This will result in weakness in the enamel that bacteria can colonize and decay can begin. Often your dentist will recommend high fluoride toothpaste or a calcium phosphate tooth creme such as Tooth Mousse to assist with the ion flow back into the enamel. Chewing a sugar free gum reduces the time within the acid range by increasing saliva flow.
As the winter sport season is approaching and we prefer to see front teeth in one piece, a well fitted mouthguard may be required and is often compulsory in contact sports. Be aware also, of the high acid levels in sports drinks. When they are regularly sipped over the course of the game, they are increasing the acid level in your mouth. What we recommend is that after drinking the sports drink, rinse with water or drink water to help wash away the sports drink residue from your teeth. By the way, the Child Dental Benefit Scheme is still operating with $1000.00 available for dental treatment per child for eligible children. Please contact Medicare to see if your children are eligible.
If you have any queries, please contact our Adelaide City Dental Care team.
Kind regards,
The Adelaide City Dental Care team.
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