This June we are returning to training for sport. The spectating will be limited, but at least the playing groups will be able to get together. We see many trauma patients throughout the year as competition brings the possibility of injury to mouth, jaws and teeth.
Teeth are particularly vulnerable to sport trauma whether that sport is netball, basketball, soccer, football, hockey, lacrosse and contact sport. We know many of you are thinking netball is not a contact sport. For those of us that play or used to play this sport we beg to differ!! Elbows, knees, jaws and equipment can all manage to make an impact with players faces.
To help protect teeth, jaw bones and mouths a properly fitted mouthguard is essential. There are some codes that have the “no mouthguard no play rule” and we love that! You can purchase boil and bite mouthguards from the chemist but they can never really fit properly, the players don’t like them so don’t wear them and the mouthguard spends more time in the players sock than in their mouth (ewww), and it doesn’t dissipate the forces evenly like a dentist made one.
To make a custom fitted mouthguard we will take impressions of your upper and lower teeth and send those impressions to our local dental laboratory, Adelaide Laboratories, to make a fabulous mouthguard. They have a range of junior to professional grade mouthguards in a range of colours. Dr Stone’s favourite is black, white and teal!
Would you like to win a $25 Rebel Sport Voucher? Post your best mouthguard smile photo on our Facebook page to enter. Winner will be drawn 30th June 2020 at random.
We hope everyone in our Adelaide City Dental Care community is doing well and you are looking after yourselves as we head into the Winter months and out of Covid19 restrictions. We are so happy to return to full-service dental care for you, our wonderful patients.
For most of us at Adelaide City Dental Care, winter isn’t our favourite season as we don’t like the cold! Many people find Winter to be their favourite season, perhaps if that is you, email us some of your favourite wintery goodness so we might be encouraged to make it through.
We are so excited to welcome Dr Nick Heide to our Adelaide City Dental Care community.
Dr Nick Heide is a general dentist who was born, trained, and has worked in South Australia as a dentist for nearly 18 years. He is experienced in all facets of dentistry- from preventative family dental care, to cosmetic makeovers and full oral rehabilitation.
Nicks philosophy is simple and fits our practice values and mission – ‘I treat each and every person as I would treat my own family, or how I would like to be treated myself. I understand that everyone is different, and what may work for one person may not suit another. My greatest achievement in dentistry hasn’t been just the amazing treatment cases I have been able to do, but more importantly the long-term trust people have placed in me, for not only their own dental health but that of their family and friends as well.’ And yes, he is happy to join our all-female team!
We have some healthy, sugar free recipes on our website you may like to try-own version of Wintery goodness!
See you in the clinic!
The team at Adelaide City Dental Care
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