We have recently become part of the Dental Implant Registry which is based in Adelaide but has a worldwide reach. There are registries for joint replacement, heart stents and now we have one for dental implants. There are multiple different brands, sizes and screw heads requiring different screwdrivers for implants across the world.
What this means for you is that over the course of the next couple of years we will be adding those patients with implants onto this register with the type of implants and dental crowns that you have. You will have direct access to these records so that if by chance an implant screw comes loose while you are away in a different time zone, and you can’t get to us, you can check which brand of implant it is to let the other dentist know.
For your piece of mind, the brands we use are the worldwide brands of Nobel Biocare, Astratech, Southern Implant company and Straumann. Which brand we choose depends on previous implants you may have, the position/size/shape/type of bone and space we are trying to fill, and whether it is a delayed approach or removing and tooth and placing the implant straight away.
Part of a thorough examination is x-rays of your teeth and bone. These films are very useful in reviewing teeth for decay, checking bone heights around the teeth, and sad as it is to say, can help identify you should the need arise. Depending on a number of factors we will usually take these x-rays every 2 – 3 years. We use digital radiographic techniques which significantly reduce your radiation dose, and produce a quality image.
Thank you to all our patients who are filling in the update information of your details, medical information and contact consents on the iPad. This information is vital to your overall care with us. Some medications that people are prescribed can affect teeth but more often your gum health and saliva flow. Knowing the medication you are on will assist us to understand your gum and saliva conditions and assist you to take care of them. We have been asking to take your picture to add to your file as “A picture is better than a thousand words”! We use it as great means of identification for all staff, not just the clinician who knows you, and sometimes there can be two Tom Cruise’s in the reception area at the same time! (We wish!)
It has been an amazing, terrifying, happy and sad start to the year. Thankfully the bush-fires in South Australia are controlled now, although the wonderful volunteers are keeping an eye on any flare ups. Several of our patients were seriously affected by the fires both in the hills and on Kangaroo Island and our thoughts have been with them. Many of you would be familiar with the Girl Guide property at McLaren Flat. Two rescue Koala’s have been released there and by all accounts are settling in well. We have welcomed back Dr Catherine Chow, Dr Carine Maxwell and hygienist Kerryn and they are happy to meet you at your appointment. Our new sterilisation room had a few hiccups but is all so new and makes sterilisation flow more easily. We are very excited about it!
Do you know someone who can use our services? We always welcome new patients. Whether it is a friend, family member, or colleague, we will make sure we provide them with the same professional treatment you expect from Adelaide City Dental Care. Please call (08) 8212 3880 to make a booking.
See you in the clinic! The team at Adelaide City Dental Care
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