Dietary sugar consumption is a huge problem in most first world countries, Australia included. Our personal experience as well as our training have found many health issues can be controlled, if not reversed with some really disciplined dietary changes. We have seen blood sugar drop from levels which required Diabetes medication, to normal levels and no longer any need for medication just by dietary modifications. The same has been seen for high blood pressure and cholesterol.
These changes can be simple changes like portion control, ensuring you have 5 serves of vegetables and 2 serves of fruit per day. They don’t need to be restrictive like no carbohydrates or no dairy as this is most likely unsustainable over the longer term. Water as the primary drink is essential for whole body health and wellness. These practices assist in great oral health too, as the health of the body is reflected in the mouth, and the opposite is true too.Don’t want to be put on medication, or would like to come off medication? Perhaps a dietitian can help you to achieve this with diet modification. It is possible to do. You might like to read further information at: For great, healthy recipes, try: dietitian association recipes.
World Cavity Free Future Day is an initiative aiming to achieve a cavity free lifetime for children born after 2026. With tooth decay affecting nearly 100% of the population and cavities being a preventable disease, this is a wonderful target. This year, the campaign is focusing on limiting sugar for under twos to lead to a lifetime of health benefits. Many of these benefits far outweigh the benefit of being cavity free. For more information, you might like to visit: WCCFday2019
October is such a great month, with the days getting warmer, Daylight savings starting again and the release from Winter hibernation. There are two important days in our calendar during October, the first being International day of the Girl on 11th October and the second being World Cavity Free Future Day on the 14th October.
As an all-female practice who is strongly affiliated with Girl Guides Australia, we wholeheartedly agree the empowerment of women and girls is the best gift we can give our young people. Girls and women have the right to be safe, successful, educated and live the life they choose and which makes them happy. We are all stronger together, no matter our race, religion, sex or age.
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