It was wonderful news to hear the Australian of the Year, Dr James Muecke talk about joining forces with SA Health to publicise that sugar is bad. His perspective is naturally on eye health, diabetes and obesity. Ours would be on teeth and decay but we are happy to hear anyone champion sugar taxes, banning confectionery at the checkout, removing junk food advertising during children’s television, and traffic light food labeling. The sugar effect on teeth is linked to the frequency of sugar exposure, not the amount as much, however, diabetes will certainly affect your gingival health. When Dr Stone talks at schools and preschools it is hidden sugars and lolly-pops that she explains are not good for teeth. It is hard to watch children given a lolly-pop (you know the ones) at the start of the supermarket shop and they have it in their mouth swilling sugar around their teeth for 45mins to then receive another one at the checkout as well. Sad!
Hidden sugars are in a lot of school lunchboxes disguised as health foods. Muesli bars-not just because of the chocolate chips or swirls but also the dried fruit, cane sugar, glucose and golden syrup. This is a lot of sugar in various forms, and they are sticky too, which locks the sugar into the grooves of the teeth.
We would suggest swapping out muesli bars for a handful of dry toasted non peanut nuts (unless the school has a complete no nuts policy) or plain popcorn. Swap out stick fruit bars for a piece of fruit or some cut carrots, snow peas or any other vegies. Swap out the yoghurt drinks in tubes to plain yoghurt with a piece of fruit.
Sugary drinks are something everyone is aware of and are usually swapping out to fruit juice or sugar free options. This may cover the sugar but doesn’t always reduce the acidity levels. Water is a wonderful option for teeth. Baby molar teeth are usually around until your child is 12 years old and permanent teeth are only permanent if they are looked after. We know that children can be fussy but we are here to help you convince them! Please let us know if we need to expand our usual chat when we see your children or grandchildren at their appointment. If your family is eligible, we offer dental treatment for children under the Child Dental Benefit Scheme.
Book your next dental appointment online or call us on (08) 8212 3880.
Mad March is well and truly with us, the Fringe has started, the city is alive with buskers and visitors. It is surprisingly cool as we move through Summer into Autumn-a stunning time of year in Adelaide. Dr Michelle Stone has been busy organising her part of an enormous Girl Guide camp taking place this year in the Riverland. Dr Catherine Chow has been teaching one of her boys to ride a bike-no small feat as anyone will attest. Dr Carine Maxwell is taking a small amount of time off with her family from Sydney. All of our staff have been enjoying the new sterilisation area, as we strive for excellence in your care.
See you in the clinic! The team at Adelaide City Dental Care
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