• 3 JULY 2024
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    Have you had your mouth checked for oral cancer?

    Have you had your mouth checked for oral cancer?

    So why do we look under your tongue and around your cheeks, lips and soft tissues of your mouth? Oral cancers are a very rare form of cancer, but they are quite debilitating.  They occur much more frequently in people who smoke and the same will apply with vapes.  Smoking increases your risk of oral

    • 5 JUNE 2024
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    On World Environment Day balancing our environmental values with our infection control standards

    On World Environment Day balancing our environmental values with our infection control standards

    World Environment Day is on June 5th 2024 and the focus is on #GenerationRestoration.  The theme is on accelerating land restoration, drought resilience, and desertification progress. We are trying to do our bit to support the environment with our environmental protection procedures in line with our dental practice values and our personal values too. Dr

    • 1 MAY 2024
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    Your jaw joint and you

    Your jaw joint and you

    Your jaw joint is a complicated joint incorporating your skull, lower jaw, ligaments, muscle attachments, a disc and fluid spaces. It has the ability to make tiny movements with only slight pressure to sip through a straw, or strong pressure when biting into hard food or wide opening with a yawn. All of these movements

    • 3 APRIL 2024
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    It is mouthguard time!

    It is mouthguard time!

    It’s mouthguard time!  Footy is back, hockey is back, basketball/netball are ongoing. Winter sports time is here.  We remind all patients of the terrible impact a sporting injury can have on our teeth, jaw and soft tissues.  A knock to the mouth can result in losing teeth as well as significant long-term damage.  Teeth do

    • 7 MARCH 2024
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    Festival time and your teeth

    Festival time and your teeth

    Festival time and your teeth in Adelaide during February and March are something to be mindful about.  It is such a great time of the year in Adelaide with so many events, festivals and entertaining.  These often are celebrated with beverages such as soft drinks with lemon or lime to jazz them up, power drinks,

    • 8 FEBRUARY 2024
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    Why is your regular dental check up important?

    Why is your regular dental check up important?

    Our receptionists will always ask you when you have completed your appointment with your dentist, oral health therapist or hygienist to book in for your next dental check up and preventative care appointment.  There are a number of reasons why we ask them to do this.  One reason is that we want to keep a

    • 2 JANUARY 2024
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    Dental Specialist – Why we would refer you

    Dental Specialist – Why we would refer you

    We do lots of different dental procedures at our clinic. They range from simple fillings to complex bridges, root canal treatment, deep cleaning under the gums, tooth removal and implant crowns. For all of these procedures it is important to us that we give you the best dental treatment.  At times we will refer you

    • 2 DECEMBER 2023
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    Wow what a year we had in 2023!

    Wow what a year we had in 2023!

    Wow what a year we have had!  Thank you all for being part of our dental family during 2023. It has been great catching up with the stories over the year from our current patients. We have also welcomed new patients into our dental family, which is marvelous and we look forward to continuing to

    • 15 NOVEMBER 2023
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    Mindful brushing for self care and great dental health

    Mindful brushing for self care and great dental health

    We tend to take things for granted until a health professional mentions that we need to improve some aspect of our lives for good overall health or in our case dental health. The health of your mouth, teeth and gums is vital for good overall health of your body as we saw from the last

    • 2 OCTOBER 2023
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    Hidden Sugars in your diet!

    Hidden Sugars in your diet!

    Spring weather has been amazing!  Keeping you up to date about our goings on you may have heard us talking about the saga of the compressors.  The compressors run all our equipment and had done a mighty job for over 30 years until August when one decided to pack it in.  In mid-September they were